What Can an Emergency Locksmith Do For You?

Emergency Locksmith in Bronx NY installs mechanical and electronic locks to secure homes, businesses and vehicles. They can also rekey locks, make duplicate keys and replace lost keys or card fobs.

Before hiring a locksmith, ask to see their professional certifications. If they are hesitant or refuse to show them, look elsewhere.


Rekeying is a much less expensive alternative to replacing your locks. A professional can change a lock’s pins to make it fit a different key. This process can prevent previous occupants from accessing your home or stealing your keys. It’s a great option for homeowners, renters, and tenants who want to ensure that no one else has access to their property.

Door knobs, levers, and deadbolts with keyed locks have two sets of pins set within a plug. When a key is inserted into the lock, these pins push up and down at varying heights. When rekeying, the key pins are removed and replaced with new ones that match the grooves on your key.

You can do this yourself using a locksmith kit, but it’s recommended to get a professional to help you. The key to success is the correct rekeying tool. These are long, thin instruments with various shapes that fit into a keyhole to push pins up or down without damaging the lock.


A good locksmith can offer a variety of lockout services. They can help you get back into your vehicle, home or business, whether you’ve locked yourself out or lost your keys. They can also install electronic locks that allow you to control who enters your property and when.

These systems can be controlled via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, which is convenient if you’re on the go. A good locksmith will be able to help you select the best system for your needs and budget.

It’s important to ask a locksmith for their credentials before hiring them. They should have a pocket version of their license, which they should show you when they arrive at your location. You should also ask them to provide a receipt that includes their company name, local address and phone number. If they refuse to do this, it’s likely that they’re not a reputable service. You should also check their prices to avoid overpaying for their services.

Car key replacement

When you lose your car key, the best thing to do is to contact a 24/7 locksmith. They can make you a new one on the spot, which is much more convenient than trying to pry it open with a coat hanger (which could cause damage and might not even work).

Auto locksmiths also have specialized tools that can help unlock cars when they are locked out. These tools include lock picks, Slim Jims, and battery-powered drill bits. They are also skilled in reprogramming keys that have a fob or transponder chip inside.

Another specialty service that a locksmith can provide is to repair broken car keys. When a car key snaps in the door or ignition, it can be difficult to remove and may not start the engine. These services typically cost between $75 and $150, depending on the vehicle. They can also replace locks ($200 to $600), rekey ignitions ($50 to $150), and make new “regular” keys ($5 to $10 each). In addition, they can usually disable alarms, which comes in handy when you’ve accidentally locked your keys in the car.

Home key replacement

Whether you are locked out of your home, want to change locks or replace a lost key, an Emergency Locksmith in Bronx NY can help. They can also install a more secure lock system to prevent break-ins and theft. The service is affordable and will help you protect your family and possessions.

Before you hire a smith, check their credentials. Ask for their license, insurance and references. Then, call a few different services for price quotes. A reputable smith should be able to provide you with a quote on the phone or via email.

Rekeying is an alternative to replacing the entire lock cylinder, and can be done in about 15 minutes for a small fee. Be wary of any smith that tries to drill the lock right away, as this is usually a sign of a scam.

A professional locksmith will always provide you with the highest quality of work, and are able to meet your needs in an emergency. They can re-key locks, replace keys, reprogramme car key fobs, and make duplicate keys.

Jeremy Wilson

Jeremy Wilson